Approved Hypnotherapy Continuing Education Opportunities


The 2024 IBH teleconference schedule is as follows:

Wednesday, January 17th at 7:00 pm MST (Mountain Standard Time)

Wednesday, March 13th at 7:00 pm  MST  

Wednesday, May 15th at 7:00 pm MDT (Mountain Daylight Time)

Wednesday, July 24th at 7:00 pm  MDT (changed from July 17th)

Wednesday, September 18th at 7:00 pm  MDT

Wednesday, November 20th at 7:00 pm  MST

Past Teleconferences Archive

Go to Continuing Education navigation button on this website, then click “Teleconference CEUs” and enter the password.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Training

Learn from one of the original creators of NLP, Robert Dilts. CEUs awarded for both NLP Practitioner Certification and Master Practitioner Certifications Trainings.

Robert Dilts NLP certification training. www.nlpu.com

Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster Training

Peggy Huddleston, www.healfaster.com

Opening Your Heart Workshop

Peggy Huddleston, www.healfaster.com

For other continuing education possibilities, read below:

Continuing Education Requirements

Normally, all IBH members need 15 hours per year or 30 hours every two years.  Acceptions apply for 2020-2023.

See email updates for details.

CEU Reciprocity

The IBH will award credit for continuing education by providing proof of attendance from other hypnotherapy, medical, and counseling related conferences, courses, seminars, workshops, lectures and special application classes (provided the instructor has proper credentials–licensure, certification, registration, etc.).  The number of hours awarded for the event will be determined by its application to the clinical setting on a case by case basis when proof of attendance is provided.  If you did participate in one of the above in the last two years, provide proof of attendance to the IBH.  (Acceptable forms of proof of attendance can be certificates, diplomas, receipts, copies of credit card receipts or credit card statements, etc.)

Requirements for Continuing Education Providers:

To help the practitioners in their personal and professional development, and to serve their clients with ever-increasing skill and competency, the International Board of Hypnotherapy (IBH) requires our members to regularly obtain continuing education units (CEUs). Like the practice of medicine, psychotherapy, social work and massage therapy, hypnotherapists need exposure to topics in a variety of areas.

Category 1: “General” are topics presented by IBH-approved providers, including but not limited to: hypnotherapy methods, new inductions and trance development techniques, related research on hypnotherapy, closely related topics of study such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming, counseling and hypnotherapy, adjunctive techniques, specialized application, i.e. grief and loss, natal regression, inter-life exploration, past life therapy, sports performance, body image and weight loss, etc.

Category 2: “Medical/Health” are topics presented by IBH-approved providers, including anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, medical hypnotherapy methods, procedural hypnosis, childbirth preparation, surgery preparation and post-operative recovery, hypnodonitics and related research, etc.

Category 3: “Ethics” are topics presented by IBH-approved providers on ethical conduct as it relates to a responsibility to the client, colleague, profession and certifying board.

For an event to be pre-approved for IBH CEUs, the following must be submitted, by the instructor of the class, 45 days prior to the event.  Only then would an exact number of CEU credits be determined for an event.

  • Class objectives and relevance to hypnotherapy
  • Teaching methods
  • How will objectives be measured
  • Teaching syllabus (hourly subjects and daily objectives)
  • How attendance is recorded
  • Fee student pays
  • Refund policy
  • Instructor’s teaching credentials: hold proper licensure and/or official approval from the regulatory body of the modality being taught.
  • Date of event
  • $110 (USD) non-refundable application fee
  • If the class is held during a conference, the host must be a legally incorporated entity.
  • Have no complaints on file.
  • IBH membership will be required if the provider qualifies as an IBH member